Upstream Trade Traversal


This endpoint is in beta and is subject to change. It is provided for early access and testing purposes only.
Execute a traversal of the upstream trade network (supply chain) of an entity, returning a set of entities and edges between them.

Path parameters

The root entity identifier.

Query parameters

risklist of enumsOptional

Risk leaf node filter. Only return supply chains that end with a supplier that has 1+ of the specified risk factors.

-risklist of enumsOptional

Risk leaf node filter. Only return supply chains that end with a supplier that has none of the specified risk factors.

countrieslist of enumsOptional
Country leaf node filter. Only return supply chains that end with a supplier in 1+ of the specified countries.
-countrieslist of enumsOptional
Country leaf node filter. Only return supply chains that end with a supplier in none of the specified countries.
productlist of stringsOptional
Product root edge filter. Only return supply chains that start with an edge that has 1+ of the specified HS codes.
-productlist of stringsOptional
Product root edge filter. Only return supply chains that start with an edge that has none of the specified HS codes.
componentlist of stringsOptional
Component node filter. Only return supply chains that contain at least one edge with 1+ of the specified HS codes.
-componentlist of stringsOptional
Component node filter. Only return supply chains that contain no edges with any of the specified HS codes.
Minimum date edge filter. Only return supply chains with edge dates that are greater than or equal to this date.
Maximum date edge filter. Only return supply chains with edge dates that are less than or equal to this date.
The maximum depth of the traversal, from 1 to 4 inclusive. Default is 4. Reduce if query is timing out.
The maximum number of results to return. Default and maximum values are 25,000.


This endpoint returns an object.
datalist of objects