Resolution Persisted


This endpoint is in beta and is subject to change. It is provided for early access and testing purposes only.
The persisted resolution endpoints allow users to search for matching entities against a provided list of attributes. The endpoint is similar to the resolution endpoint, except it also stores matched entities into user’s project.

Path parameters

Unique identifier of the project

Query parameters

A limit on the number of objects to be returned with a range between 1 and 10 inclusive. Defaults to 10.
Number of results to skip before returning response. Defaults to 0.


This endpoint expects an object.
namelist of stringsOptional
Entity name
identifierlist of enumsOptional

Entity identifier. Can be from either the Identifier Type or Weak Identifier Type enums.

addresslist of stringsOptional
Entity address
Entity city that contains the provided city name.
Entity state that contains the provided state name.
countrylist of enumsOptional

Entity country - must be ISO (3166) Trigram i.e., USA. See complete list here

date_of_birthlist of stringsOptional
Entity date of birth
contactlist of stringsOptional
Entity contact
typelist of enumsOptional

Entity type. If multiple values are passed for any field, the endpoint will match entities with ANY of the values.

profile"corporate" or "suppliers"Optional
Allowed values: corporatesuppliers

Profile can be used to switch between search algorithms. The default profile corporate is optimized for accurate entity attribute matching and is ideal for business verification and matching entities with corporate data. The suppliers profile is optimized for matching entities with extensive trade data. Ideal for supply chain and trade-related use cases.

Adding this param enables an alternative matching logic. It will set a minimum percentage of tokens needed to match with user input to be considered a "hit". Accepts integers from 0 to 100 inclusive.
Adding this param enables an alternative matching logic. It sets the minimum number of matching tokens the resolved hits need to have in common with the user input to be considered a "hit". Accepts non-negative integers.


This endpoint returns an object.
datalist of objects